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Rooted by Strength

October 15, 2018

I have chosen the Callery Pear that stands proudly and strongly in the plaza of the 911 Memorial in New York City. It is called the Survivor Tree. This remarkable tree was one of the few survivors at Ground Zero after the 911 terror attack on the Twin Towers in New York. Many brave and innocent people lost their lives that terrible day. This lonely Pear tree, although battered and maimed, was still standing after the brutal assault. Through the following years, it has struggled, healed, and now again blooms with flowers showing us its resiliency. It is now a symbol of hope and strength during times of struggle and grief. Seedlings of this tree have been sent to other countries and sites of sorrow. The day I was there, people were leaving flowers and support letters at its base for victims of a school shooting that had just been announced.  It brought tears to my eyes to see this symbol honor the fallen loved ones. This Survivor Tree endured through tragedy and reminds us there is hope for all of us through our own tragedies.

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